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Book Club | "First, Unstoppable"

Xianwei Book Club 15th Session Sharing"Hua Shan Talks Through Sun Tzu's Art of War" IntroductionOn the afternoon of April 27, 2023, the 15th reading sharing activity of the book club was held as scheduled. In this event, our partner lawyer Xiao Chun shared the book "Huashan Explains Sun Tzu's Art of War" with everyone. At the same time, I shared my insights and understanding based on the culture of Xianwei Law Firm, leading all lawyers, especially young lawyers, to understand Sun Tzu's Art of War and the cultural heritage formed during the establishment and development of Xianwei Law Firm.Reading sharing Lawyer Xiao Chun explained to everyone the "Five Things and Seven Strategies," "Twelve Deceptions," "Same Desire from Above and Below," and "Strange Integrity" mentioned in "Sun Tzu's Art of War." He also shared his insights with everyone based on his experience as an intern lawyer, legal assistant, and partner, as well as his personal life experience. Lawyer Xiao Chun quoted a famous saying: Reading is not for eloquence and refutation, nor for gullibility and blind obedience, but for thinking and weighing. Through Lawyer Xiao Chun's sharing, the present lawyers have gained a different understanding and insight into the Art of War by Sun Tzu. The work "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu holds a different meaning for the law of Xian Wei. Xian Wei Law Firm was established in 2010, and the word "Xian Wei" is derived from the founder of Xian Wei Law Firm, Director Xie Pingjian, in "The Art of War: Form Chapter" by Sun Tzu: "Xian Wei is invincible, waiting for the enemy to win." This means creating conditions that are invincible for oneself first, and waiting for the opportunity to defeat the enemy, representing the culture and spirit of Xian Wei Law Firm.Therefore, in this book sharing session, our lawyers reviewed the development history of Xianwei Law Firm together, recalled the professional, rigorous, and diligent spirit of Director Xie Pingjian, the founder of Xianwei Law Firm, and jointly expressed their condolences to Director Xie Pingjian. Lawyers will continue to strive for excellence, inherit the culture and spirit of prioritization, and win trust and respect through professionalism, in order to achieve invincibility.


Book Club | 2023 Lecture 1- Theoretical Research and Critical Reflection on "Compliance Non Prosecution"

First for the twelfth session of the book clubIntroductionWith the end of the Spring Festival holiday, we have officially entered the year of Guimao Rabbit for the Book Club. In the new year, the Reading Club will present lawyers with a more diverse appearance and temperament, bringing everyone more professional and in-depth thinking.Reading sharingOn this bright afternoon of January 31, 2023, the first and twelfth reading sharing event of 2023 was held for the First Reading Club, marking the beginning of the 2023 First Reading Club event. In this reading sharing, Director Li Yan of our institute mainly introduced four professional articles to the lawyers: Professor Chen Ruihua's article "Analysis of Six Disputed Issues of Compliance and Non prosecution" published in the Journal of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (The Rule of Law), Professor Chen Ruihua and Professor Li Fenfei's article "It is imperative to amend the Criminal Procedure Law and establish a conditional non prosecution system for enterprises" published in the weekly Democracy and Legal System, and the discussion article "Compliance and Non prosecution" by Che Hao, Qin Qianhong, Long Zongzhi, Xiong Qiuhong, Li Hong, Li Fenfei, Li Bencan and Zhu Mingyong in the "Weibo Law Lecture Hall" Sexual Reflection and the article "Basic Process of Compliance of Enterprises Involved in the Case -- Taking the Case of Illegal Occupation of Agricultural Land by Companies A and B as an Example" published on the official account of Jianwei (Kunming) Law Firm.Director Li Yan, through relevant scholars and professors, discussed the rationality of the means, legitimacy of the purpose, effectiveness of incentives, and potential risks of power alienation of the "compliance non prosecution" system. This allowed lawyers to have a deeper understanding and comprehension of the "compliance non prosecution" system from both positive and negative perspectives, in terms of practical business operations and even its impact on the rule of law in China. At the same time, a comprehensive reflection is also conducted on the legitimacy of the purpose, the rationality of the means, and the effectiveness of the methods of this system.  This sharing of professional theoretical articles allows young lawyers to see the collision of different perspectives among legal scholars. Every independent voice is aimed at upholding the rule of law belief of legal professionals, demonstrating a Chinese stance and patriotism, and demonstrating the responsibility and courage of legal professionals.


Book Club | Changing mindset to achieve lifelong growth

Xianwei Book Club 11th Session SharingLifelong GrowthSharing GuideAt the end of 2022, "First for the Book Club" welcomed the last book sharing session of this year. During this book sharing session, Director Li Yan of our institute shared with everyone the book "Lifelong Growth" written by Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck. Author Carol Dweck analyzed and studied two different ways of thinking, believing that a person's thinking patterns influence their personality, which in turn affects the degree and ability to unleash their potential. Adjusting our thinking patterns can bring great changes to our lives. The success that some people achieve is not determined by their abilities and talents, but is more influenced by the thinking patterns displayed in the process of pursuing their goals.Reading sharingIn this sharing session, Director Li Yan provided a detailed introduction to the differences in thinking styles between fixed thinking patterns and growth thinking patterns mentioned in the book in different environments, in order to guide different results. Fixed and growth oriented, they reflect two basic attitudes of people when dealing with success and failure, achievement and challenge. The importance of intelligence and effort, as well as the ability to change through effort, determines whether a person will be satisfied with existing achievements or actively explore new knowledge. Only by approaching problems with the correct mindset can we better achieve our life and career goals. Through the book "Lifelong Growth" introduced by Director Li Yan, I aim to change my previous thinking patterns and learn to use a growth oriented mindset to approach various challenges and confusions encountered in work and daily life. Perhaps every day will become more meaningful, ultimately achieving lifelong growth for each of us.


Xianwei | Interesting Psychology "Murphy's Law" Share in the 10th Issue

Xianwei Book Club 10th Session SharingMurphy's Law  IntroductionEven in the current situation of strict and orderly epidemic control, the First Reading Club still arrives as scheduled. On the afternoon of October 26, 2022, the tenth session of the book club will be held online. Lawyer Cao Mingzhe from our firm will bring you a sharing of the popular psychological reading material "Murphy's Law".Reading sharing  The book "Murphy's Law" introduces various interesting potential psychological effects of human beings, allowing people to have a deeper understanding of the reasons for human behavior in certain situations, among which the most representative is "Murphy's Law". Murphy's Law was proposed by an American engineer, Edward Murphy, in 1949. He proposed that if there are two or more ways to do something, and one of them will lead to disaster, then someone will definitely make that choice. The fundamental content of Murphy's Law is that if there is a possibility of things getting worse, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen. Murphy's Law, Parkinson's Law, and Peter's Principle are collectively known as the three great discoveries of Western culture in the 20th century.In addition to Murphy's Law, Lawyer Cao Mingzhe also introduced other classic psychological effects, management laws, and rules that have inspired us from aspects such as self-awareness, economic management, and career life, such as Occam's Razor Law, Workplace Behavior Guidelines, Horse Fly Effect, Davydo's Law, Johor's Law, Hedgehog's Law, Beer Effect, 28's Law, and Business Law. At the same time, combining the difficulties and common mistakes that lawyers often encounter in their work, explaining seemingly difficult and obscure laws and regulations thoroughly and clearly can provide us with very beneficial insights for deepening our understanding of human nature, society, and others.Reading sharing Online live streaming sharingThe "Murphy's Law" shared by Lawyer Cao Mingzhe this time is particularly precious during the current special epidemic control period. It not only strengthens communication between lawyers, but more importantly, provides us with spiritual comfort through books. During the period when we are unable to go out due to the epidemic, everyone can wait for good news while reading, which is also the significance of holding a book club first.


Xianwei Reading Club | The Way of Living in the Tao Te Ching

First, let's share the ninth issue of the book clubThe Tao Te Ching  IntroductionIn the early autumn afternoon, when all things are gradually becoming abundant, the ninth session of the book club was held to share. In this book sharing activity, Lawyer Zhang Yashu from my institution brought you the classic Taoist work "Tao Te Ching", leading you on a journey of seeking gifts and asking questions.Reading sharingLaozi and his Tao Te Ching have an inseparable connection with the city of Luoyang itself. According to the Records of the Grand Historian, Laozi served as a historian in charge of archives and classics during the Zhou Dynasty. He worked and lived in Luoyang for a long time, and Confucius also bowed to him during the Zhou Dynasty. The Tao Te Ching was written in Luoyang, and after resigning from his position, Laozi rode a green ox westward and hid in Laojun Mountain.Laozi's "Tao Te Ching" is not only a representative work of Taoist philosophy, but also revered as the head of various scholars and the king of all classics. Although the Tao Te Ching only has over 5000 words, it contains extremely rich wisdom in various aspects such as philosophy, politics, military, education, and life and society. The Tao Te Ching places humans in the infinite time and space of nature to explore the relationship between humans and nature, humans and humans, and the body and mind. Through reverse thinking, it raises many significant issues that were overlooked by contemporary people. Laozi believed that "Dao" is the collective term for all laws and truths between heaven and earth, which is a whole and an objective existence; "De" refers to the laws and nature of specific things, which are individual and subjective. At the same time, the Tao Te Ching emphasizes dialectical observation and handling of problems, recognizing that things such as existence and non existence, high and low, front and back, good and bad, and good and evil can only appear in opposition to each other. Its theory has a profound impact on the development of Chinese philosophy.As a classic philosophical classic, Lawyer Zhang Yashu shared Laozi's discourse on existence and non existence, favor and disgrace, movement and stillness, selfishness and selflessness, as well as war and equality in the Tao Te Ching. Combined with some of the confusions and anxieties that lawyers encounter in their daily work and life, she shared her insights and understanding of life with everyone. Through Laozi's words, she dialectically viewed the difficulties we encounter, so that we can better and more calmly approach work and life, and also gave everyone another inspiration and reflection on life from the classics.


Book Club | Experience the Power of the Present

Share for the eighth session of the book club firstThe Power of the PresentIntroductionThe eighth session of the book sharing session, accompanied by the aroma of coffee, was held by me on the afternoon of the 30th of this month. In this book club, Lawyer Li Yasu from my institution shared with you the classic spiritual book "The Power of the Present" written by German author Eckhart Toli. The author Eckhart To uses a simple and clear language to convey the profound message of ancient spiritual mentors: we can escape pain and enter a peaceful world within.Reading sharing  Under the guidance of the author, we will find ourselves constantly under the control of our brain or thinking, living in eternal anxiety about time, which hinders us from getting rid of inner pain. But in reality, we can only live in the present moment. Living in this moment, everything happens in the present moment, and the past and future are just a simple concept of time. By surrendering to the present, we can find true strength and find the gateway to peace and tranquility. There, we can embrace our true selves.Lawyer Li Yasu shared with everyone the importance of brain thinking and self-awareness, ego, id, presence, feelings of pain, and the present moment mentioned in the book. By sharing the author's viewpoints in the book, everyone can have a deeper understanding and exploration of themselves by combining their own life experiences.By sharing this book "The Power of the Present" with Lawyer Li Yasu, the attending lawyers have "opened a gap in their awareness of the present moment in the continuity between their brain and the past and future." Only by entering the present and feeling the power of the present can we break free from the negative emotions of our experiences. As Mr. Feng Zikai said, "Don't be confused in your heart, don't be trapped in emotions. Don't fear the future, don't think about the past. So, be safe."


Book Club | Appreciate the Greatest Legal Fiction Case in History

 First, share for the seventh session of the book clubCave Mysteries  IntroductionThe seventh session of the book sharing session was held on July 26th. In this session, Lawyer He Jiazi shared with you the famous virtual case in the legal field, "Cave Mysteries," which was completed by 20th century jurist Fuller and 1998 jurist Saber. This book is a must-have list of introductory legal classics, as well as a high scoring example in Harvard's open courses. It also includes fourteen viewpoints from two authors, vividly reflecting the legal philosophy of various schools of thought in the 20th century.Appreciation of Works  This book is a continuation of the "greatest legal fiction in history" proposed by American 20th century legal philosopher Fuller, by legal scholar Saber. Five cave explorers are trapped in a cave, running out of water and food; In order to survive, everyone agreed to draw lots to eat one person and sacrifice one to save the other four people. Whitmore was the proposer of this plan, but he withdrew his opinion before the draw, while the other four insisted on it. As a result, Whitmore happened to be drawn. After being rescued, these four people were charged with murder. After proposing the reasoning and conclusions of the five Supreme Court justices, Saber continued to discuss and added the reasoning and exploration of the other nine justices.  Lawyer He Jiazi combines different perspectives in this book to explore the purpose of the law and share his insights on this book, from the perspectives of respecting legal provisions, exploring the legislative spirit, the relationship and influence between law and morality, maintaining the rule of law tradition, and the common sense of ordinary people. In the three different types of judgments (guilty, innocent, recusal), there are various legal debates regarding natural law, substantive law, legislative motives and purposes, natural states and constraints on civilization, and the determination of emergency avoidance and legitimate defense.  This book is not only a fable like classic literature in the field of legal philosophy, but also an ideal reading material for interdisciplinary general education in universities. It is like a feast of legal philosophy, allowing all attending lawyers to break free from the formalism of law, savor exciting and profound thinking, strengthen their legal literacy, and constantly reflect on the true purpose and social significance of law.


Book Club | There is only one thing in life

Xianwei Book Club 6th Session Sharing  There is only one thing in lifeIntroductionThe sixth session of the book sharing session was held at my institution on the 28th of this month. In this session, our partner and deputy director, Su Dongge, shared with everyone the book "Only One Thing in Life" edited by Jin Weichun, who is known as the "Number One Talent in Taiwan's Journalism". This book is not only the author's "learning notes" on how to live over the past decade, but also a happy retake lesson written by the author for everyone.Reading sharingThere is only one thing in life, which is to strive to live, cherish our time today, and lay the groundwork for tomorrow. Living well is the most important thing in life, and it is also the only thing left after subtracting until the end.Director Su Dongge shared with everyone several profound insights from the book, such as choosing anxiety, not afraid of trouble in practice, self breakthrough, and actively admitting mistakes. At the same time, he also shared his life experience with the attending lawyers. From a practical perspective, he used vivid and vivid examples to teach everyone how to solve big problems with small methods like in the book.Through this book sharing session, the attending lawyers will learn about Jin Weichun's life philosophy: all problems in life are caused by oneself, and only by starting from scratch can we fundamentally solve the problems encountered in family, career, and life - learn how to listen, speak, praise, help others, trust, and do small things... Everything in life is a big lesson, and must be learned from scratch. Only by starting from one's own aspirations and adjusting can we gradually improve the problems encountered in work and life, and thus have a successful career and a happy life.

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