Intellectual property legal services

Intellectual property legal services

  Firstly,a professional lawyer specializing in intellectual property law with a deep foundation in intellectual property law and a multi industry work background,combined with profound legal practice experience and professional technical knowledge,can provide clients with the best intellectual property protection solutions and enhance their core competitive strength.We have provided extensive and in-depth intellectual property legal services to numerous clients,covering various fields such as trademarks,copyrights,anti unfair competition,domain names,e-commerce,franchising,film and television,media,culture,and more.

  The main services in this field include:


  Design and drafting of corporate strategic plans

  Litigation,licensing,pledge,and transfer,etc

  Enterprise trademark strategic planning,diagnosis,and trademark management plan,etc

  Handling trademark infringement,trademark litigation,trademark licensing,pledge and transfer,and recognition of well-known trademarks

  Legal consultation related to trademarks

  Copyright,Integrated Circuit Layout Design

  Litigation related to copyright ownership and transfer disputes,representing legal affairs related to copyright or neighboring rights and copyright trade

  Legal affairs related to news books,newspaper publishing,performances,audio and video recordings,film and television works,stage play investment and production,and broadcasting organization rights

  Legal affairs related to databases,computer software creation,use,and online dissemination

  Registration application,protection,and infringement litigation for integrated circuit layout design

  Information networks,domain names,e-commerce

  Proxy domain name registration and network related registration,related network dissemination rights litigation,and network related database rights litigation

  Agency and domain name registration,domain name and enterprise name related litigation

  Scheme planning and dispute resolution related to agency and e-commerce

  Other legal services related to network copyright,database technology protection,rights management information,domain names,e-commerce,etc


  Provide legal services on policies and legal advice required for franchising,as well as the establishment of a franchising system framework

  Conduct a survey on the selection of franchisees or franchisees by all parties involved in franchising,including their qualifications,creditworthiness,and store operations

  Drafting and revising a series of legal documents such as franchise contracts

  Filing by the business regulatory department of the agency franchising enterprise

  Various disputes during the performance of agency franchise contracts and trademark infringement or unfair competition disputes caused by third parties

  Anti unfair competition,trade secrets

  Acting as an agent for unfair competition related lawsuits involving counterfeiting registered trademarks of others,counterfeiting unique names of well-known products,packaging,and decoration

  Lawsuits related to unfair competition related to agency and false advertising

  Lawsuits related to unfair competition in proxy competition and overcharging of fees

  Agency for trade secret protection planning and related litigation related to infringement of trade secrets