Marriage and Family Legal Services

Marriage and Family Legal Services

  Scope of marriage and family legal services:

  The Marriage and Family Legal Service Center of Henan Xianwei Law Firm is composed of professional lawyers who have been engaged in marriage and family legal services for many years,as well as lawyers who have been dedicated to theoretical research and practice in professional fields such as marriage law,company law,real estate law,and criminal law.It is a team of lawyers with multiple professional qualities.The Marriage and Family Legal Service Center not only has traditional experience in marriage and family legal services,but also integrates high-quality resources from various professional lawyers in the new situation.It can provide authoritative and professional legal services such as marriage and family litigation agency,family counseling services,will and inheritance services,family property management and wealth inheritance for customers.

  The specific business scope is as follows:litigation and non litigation fields.Involving marriage,inheritance,upbringing,support,wealth inheritance,private legal services,etc.

  1、Litigation business

  1.Divorce proceedings;

  2.Lawsuits for marriage revocation,invalidation,and termination of cohabitation relationships;

  3.Property division litigation;

  4.The right to support and support,as well as litigation for support and support fees;

  5.Visitation rights litigation;

  6.Litigation for inheritance disputes;

  7.Execution of effective judgments.

  8.Criminal proceedings such as bigamy and abandonment.

  2、Non litigation business

  1.Quickly and harmoniously handle divorce through mediation and negotiation;

  2.Drafting and witnessing divorce agreements,separation agreements,etc;

  3.Conduct property analysis,draft property agreements,including premarital property agreements,marital property agreements,property division agreements,property gift agreements,etc.,and assist in handling property notarization;

  4.Answer questions related to inheritance,develop inheritance plans,and create legal documents on inheritance;

  5.Provide services such as testament and custody of wills on behalf of others;

  6.Private legal services,including legal advice on protecting personal and family property rights,as well as the personal rights and interests of individuals and family members;Handle matters closely related to personal inheritance,marriage,and reputation rights;Handle personal and family(family)operations,investment partnerships,debt and debt matters,etc.Draft,modify,and review relevant legal documents related to the above affairs,issue legal opinions,make statements,and issue lawyer's letters.

  7.Foreign related marriage:consultation on foreign related marriage registration,divorce,property division,etc;Foreign divorce litigation and child custody litigation;Consultation on the establishment and termination of foreign-related adoption relationships;Consultation and handling of inheritance issues related to foreign real estate and movable property;The procedural matters for foreigners to apply for marriage registration in China;Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments.