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Book Club | 2023 Lecture 1- Theoretical Research and Critical Reflection on "Compliance Non Prosecution"
Time:2024-05-07   Click:460


First for the twelfth session of the book club



With the end of the Spring Festival holiday, we have officially entered the year of Guimao Rabbit for the Book Club. In the new year, the Reading Club will present lawyers with a more diverse appearance and temperament, bringing everyone more professional and in-depth thinking.

Reading sharing

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On this bright afternoon of January 31, 2023, the first and twelfth reading sharing event of 2023 was held for the First Reading Club, marking the beginning of the 2023 First Reading Club event. In this reading sharing, Director Li Yan of our institute mainly introduced four professional articles to the lawyers: Professor Chen Ruihua's article "Analysis of Six Disputed Issues of Compliance and Non prosecution" published in the Journal of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (The Rule of Law), Professor Chen Ruihua and Professor Li Fenfei's article "It is imperative to amend the Criminal Procedure Law and establish a conditional non prosecution system for enterprises" published in the weekly Democracy and Legal System, and the discussion article "Compliance and Non prosecution" by Che Hao, Qin Qianhong, Long Zongzhi, Xiong Qiuhong, Li Hong, Li Fenfei, Li Bencan and Zhu Mingyong in the "Weibo Law Lecture Hall" Sexual Reflection and the article "Basic Process of Compliance of Enterprises Involved in the Case -- Taking the Case of Illegal Occupation of Agricultural Land by Companies A and B as an Example" published on the official account of Jianwei (Kunming) Law Firm.

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Director Li Yan, through relevant scholars and professors, discussed the rationality of the means, legitimacy of the purpose, effectiveness of incentives, and potential risks of power alienation of the "compliance non prosecution" system. This allowed lawyers to have a deeper understanding and comprehension of the "compliance non prosecution" system from both positive and negative perspectives, in terms of practical business operations and even its impact on the rule of law in China. At the same time, a comprehensive reflection is also conducted on the legitimacy of the purpose, the rationality of the means, and the effectiveness of the methods of this system.

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  This sharing of professional theoretical articles allows young lawyers to see the collision of different perspectives among legal scholars. Every independent voice is aimed at upholding the rule of law belief of legal professionals, demonstrating a Chinese stance and patriotism, and demonstrating the responsibility and courage of legal professionals.

