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Book Club | Changing mindset to achieve lifelong growth
Time:2024-05-07   Click:461

Xianwei Book Club 11th Session Sharing


Lifelong Growth

Sharing Guide

At the end of 2022, "First for the Book Club" welcomed the last book sharing session of this year. During this book sharing session, Director Li Yan of our institute shared with everyone the book "Lifelong Growth" written by Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck. Author Carol Dweck analyzed and studied two different ways of thinking, believing that a person's thinking patterns influence their personality, which in turn affects the degree and ability to unleash their potential. Adjusting our thinking patterns can bring great changes to our lives. The success that some people achieve is not determined by their abilities and talents, but is more influenced by the thinking patterns displayed in the process of pursuing their goals.

Reading sharing

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In this sharing session, Director Li Yan provided a detailed introduction to the differences in thinking styles between fixed thinking patterns and growth thinking patterns mentioned in the book in different environments, in order to guide different results. Fixed and growth oriented, they reflect two basic attitudes of people when dealing with success and failure, achievement and challenge. The importance of intelligence and effort, as well as the ability to change through effort, determines whether a person will be satisfied with existing achievements or actively explore new knowledge. Only by approaching problems with the correct mindset can we better achieve our life and career goals.

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 Through the book "Lifelong Growth" introduced by Director Li Yan, I aim to change my previous thinking patterns and learn to use a growth oriented mindset to approach various challenges and confusions encountered in work and daily life. Perhaps every day will become more meaningful, ultimately achieving lifelong growth for each of us.

