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I remember when I sent my New Year's message in 2023,I once said,"Although the difficulties of the epidemic have passed,don't expect retaliatory rebound and explosive growth.".At that time,it was not expected that a strong rebound and growth would not be expected,and a sustained downturn would be the mainstream in 2023.I thought it was a slightly pessimistic judgment,but compared to reality,it is still too optimistic.

2023 is a very special year,with big problems and small difficulties.The economic cycle,industry rotation,and policy stimulus are all good but not bad spirits,and various experts'positive predictions are met with a slap in the face.At the beginning of the year,we had to roll up our sleeves and work hard to welcome new growth.Faced with stagnation or even retreat,more and more unexpected events brought more and more confusion.


What should we do when we are in a low or even desperate situation?Many people may be asking this question.

What moved me the most in 2023 were two terminally ill patients,Cai Lei and Ye Tan.To be honest with Ye Tan,I am a black to white fan.When she rose to fame as a financial media,I disdained her comments and judgments.Until one day,she appeared with a haggard face and a weak breath.She talked briefly about her experience of cancer treatment,without the usual sense of shame among Chinese people.She did not sell her sorrows or conceal her past life,with regrets but no regrets.She transformed from a financial heroine to a warm Ye Tan sister,and what I see is a brave rebirth that faces herself directly.Cai Lei,under the immense shadow of ALS,devoted every day of his life to struggling with this terminal illness.He is a patient,public welfare ambassador,entrepreneur,project leader,and top streamer in live streaming.He always smiles and refuses to give up.Sick,they went from being the top elite of heaven to wandering around the gates of hell.They believed in the glimmer of hope and progress,bringing joy and warmth from the bottom of their hearts to themselves and everyone.The darker it is,the more it shines.They made a version for people in dire straits to live like this.

There is probably no mountain in the world that is so high that no matter how much you climb,it will never reach the top.A more likely scenario is that there are many peaks,high and low,at the same time.We climb one,climb over it,then descend the mountain,and then climb the next one.Therefore,sometimes people need to grit their teeth to climb,and sometimes people should appreciate Lin Tao and Liu Lan.

Life is like climbing a hill,one slope after another.There are no mountains that are too high to conquer,nor can they always stand at the top.High,high,low,and top-down are the norm.When there is strength,one must grit their teeth and move towards higher places.When conditions are not met and the heat is not yet reached,one should remain empty and accept oneself and the world.


In 2023,we have introduced many new partners.In the overall difficult situation of the industry,choosing the legal profession is definitely not easy.Entering the threshold,the filters and halo of elite lawyers fade away.Perhaps you find yourself,a proud legal professional,entering a low paying and busy industry,where persistence has become a particularly difficult task.The legal service market is facing a downgrade in consumption for the first time.In good times,lawyers were a regular medicine,but now they are emergency medicine,and they are no longer needed unless absolutely necessary.We are facing an unprecedented downturn in the industry for the first time,and even experienced lawyers are often confused.

At such moments,we are grateful to our customers who have always given us trust and support.We fully recognize our hard work and efforts,recognize our professionalism and character,and give us the greatest encouragement through the appreciation in your eyes;We are grateful to our friends who have been caring for us all the way,who have paid attention to and liked our professional training and cultural construction,applauded and supported us with warm hearts when we need help;We are grateful to our teachers and colleagues who have led us to continuous growth.Looking up to high places has strengthened our beliefs and ideals in our hearts.We are honored to receive guidance and enlightenment from our predecessors.We go out to study and share internally.We insist on fishing when we are busy and networking when we are free,constantly learning becomes our work content and lifestyle.


The norm in life is to climb hills,but even so,we still need to have the ideal of climbing high peaks.We must have faith,understand the significance and value of our climb,for ourselves,for others,and for society;Have the courage to face known and unknown difficulties,without fear or retreat;There should be persistence,between high and low,without dryness in high places,and without panic in low places.We also need to prepare enough equipment,exercise well,and embrace new technology.

No confusion,no fear

Fill oneself with strength

Embrace the ups and downs of life

In 2024,live each day with wisdom