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Xianwei Book Club 15th Session Sharing

"Hua Shan Talks Through Sun Tzu's Art of War"




On the afternoon of April 27, 2023, the 15th reading sharing activity of the book club was held as scheduled. In this event, our partner lawyer Xiao Chun shared the book "Huashan Explains Sun Tzu's Art of War" with everyone. At the same time, I shared my insights and understanding based on the culture of Xianwei Law Firm, leading all lawyers, especially young lawyers, to understand Sun Tzu's Art of War and the cultural heritage formed during the establishment and development of Xianwei Law Firm.

Reading sharing

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 Lawyer Xiao Chun explained to everyone the "Five Things and Seven Strategies," "Twelve Deceptions," "Same Desire from Above and Below," and "Strange Integrity" mentioned in "Sun Tzu's Art of War." He also shared his insights with everyone based on his experience as an intern lawyer, legal assistant, and partner, as well as his personal life experience. Lawyer Xiao Chun quoted a famous saying: Reading is not for eloquence and refutation, nor for gullibility and blind obedience, but for thinking and weighing. Through Lawyer Xiao Chun's sharing, the present lawyers have gained a different understanding and insight into the Art of War by Sun Tzu.

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The work "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu holds a different meaning for the law of Xian Wei. Xian Wei Law Firm was established in 2010, and the word "Xian Wei" is derived from the founder of Xian Wei Law Firm, Director Xie Pingjian, in "The Art of War: Form Chapter" by Sun Tzu: "Xian Wei is invincible, waiting for the enemy to win." This means creating conditions that are invincible for oneself first, and waiting for the opportunity to defeat the enemy, representing the culture and spirit of Xian Wei Law Firm.

Therefore, in this book sharing session, our lawyers reviewed the development history of Xianwei Law Firm together, recalled the professional, rigorous, and diligent spirit of Director Xie Pingjian, the founder of Xianwei Law Firm, and jointly expressed their condolences to Director Xie Pingjian. Lawyers will continue to strive for excellence, inherit the culture and spirit of prioritization, and win trust and respect through professionalism, in order to achieve invincibility.

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