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Dynamic | I was invited to visit, learn and exchange with Xiamen Law Firm
Time:2024-05-06   Cilck:593

Visiting, exchanging, learning, and referencing

Henan Xianwei Law Firm

At the beginning of the 2023 Lunar New Year, at the invitation of Fujian Zeliang Law Firm, Director Li Yan of our firm led Lawyer Wu Jie and Lawyer Ma Zhixiang (intern) to visit and exchange knowledge with Zeliang Law Firm in Xiamen, Fujian Province.

Part 1

Zeliang Law Firm Symposium


Visit Fujian Zeliang Law Firm

On February 2, 2023, Director Li Yan and his team of three arrived at Fujian Zeliang Law Firm. Lawyers such as Huang Sijun, Director of Zeliang Institute, Li Liang, Co Director, and Yu Yang, Executive Director, warmly welcomed our visitors and had discussions and exchanges. Director Huang Sijun gave a detailed introduction to Zeliang Law Firm from three aspects: Zeliang, business introduction, and corporate culture. He proposed the development concept of "professional+service" dual core, introduced the development advantages of integrated team professional division of labor in case handling, and deeply discussed the management characteristics and innovative methods in the "integrated" operation of the law firm. Director Li Yan introduced the basic situation of Xian Wei Law Firm from aspects such as values, composition of the legal team, and business areas.

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Part 2

Longan (Xiamen) Law Firm Discussion and Exchange

On February 3rd, Director Li Yan and his team of three were invited by Lawyer Li Shuyuan, Senior Partner of Beijing Longan (Xiamen) Law Firm, to visit and exchange ideas with Beijing Longan (Xiamen) Law Firm.


Visit Beijing Longan (Xiamen) Law Firm

Lawyer Li Shuyuan led Director Li Yan and his team to visit the office environment of Beijing Long'an (Xiamen) Law Firm, introducing the firm's development philosophy and case handling team. During the discussion after the visit, Lawyer Li Shuyuan interacted and exchanged ideas with the lawyers present, elaborating on his professional philosophy and values, and encouraging them to work together with the lawyers present.

Visiting, learning, and exchanging ideas

Director Li stated that this learning exchange has further broadened the horizons and inspired thinking of young lawyers. They should carefully summarize what they have learned, share what they have seen and gained with law firm lawyers, and actively plan new ideas and promote new development based on their practical experience. At the same time, it is emphasized to learn from and draw on the valuable experience and effective practices of Xiamen Law Firm, benchmark against the advanced and identify gaps, compare with typical cases to identify shortcomings, and transform the learning achievements into practical measures to promote the high-quality development of work for the law firm, promoting the high-quality development of work for the law firm.

Part 3

Introduction to Law Firm

Fujian Zeliang Law Firm

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Fujian Zeliang Law Firm is an integrated management professional legal service institution that adopts a full staff salary system. A service team composed of multiple cross disciplinary experts (lawyers, accountants, tax consultants, human resources, forensic science, psychology, enterprise management consulting) can quickly match the different needs and service characteristics of customers through close collaboration with various professional service institutions.

Beijing Long'an (Xiamen) Law Firm

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Beijing Longan Law Firm was established in 1992 and is one of the earliest partnership law firms in China. It is also one of the large-scale comprehensive law firms in China, with 32 branches and 2422 practicing lawyers. Longan (Xiamen) is located in the Xiamen Maritime Silk Road Central Legal Zone Pilot Free Trade Zone, with its office located on the 4th floor of Building 5A, Xiamen Maritime World, in the core area of the Dongdu Port Area of the Xiamen Island Free Trade Zone. The decoration style is fashionable and elegant, and the initial office area has reached 1612 square meters.

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