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Dynamic | First, serve as a lawyer and contribute to political participation and discussion
Time:2024-05-06   Cilck:563

Take on the responsibility for the lawyer first

Participating in politics and contributing strength

Henan Xianwei Law Firm

Lawyers are an important force in promoting the rule of law and building a socialist rule of law country. They are playing an increasingly important role in serving economic and social development, maintaining social fairness and justice, and other aspects.

For many years, lawyers from law firms in Henan have actively participated in political discussions. Several have served as representatives of the Provincial People's Congress and members of the Municipal and District Political Consultative Conference. Based on their expertise, they pay attention to social welfare and actively provide suggestions for local economic and social development, demonstrating their sense of responsibility.

★★★ Be a lawyer first ★★★


 Yang Xintao, a member of the Communist Party of China, is the director and party branch secretary of a law firm in Henan Province. He is also the deputy secretary of the Municipal Lawyer Industry Party Committee and the president of the Municipal Lawyer Association. He is also a representative of the 14th Henan Provincial People's Congress and a member of the Legal Affairs Committee.

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 Li Yan, one of the founding partners of a law firm in Henan, is a legal advisor to the municipal government, an arbitrator of the Luoyang Arbitration Commission, Vice President of the Administrative Law Research Association of the Municipal Law Society, and a member of the 12th, 13th, and 14th sessions of the Luoyang Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

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Song Heng, a member of the Communist Party of China, is a partner and deputy secretary of the party branch of a law firm in Henan Province. He is also the deputy secretary of the Luoyang Lawyer Industry Committee of the Communist Youth League and a member of the 10th Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in the Old City District of Luoyang.

★★★ Voice of representative committee members ★★★

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Yang Xintao

To promote the substantive, normalized, and institutionalized operation of the government institution linkage mechanism, create a higher level of business environment, and support the development of the private economy, it is recommended to formulate relevant guidelines for the operation of the government institution linkage mechanism, increase publicity and supervision efforts, timely release typical examples of the mechanism operation, regularly hold joint meetings to summarize experiences and identify shortcomings, in order to better promote the implementation of this work. On the other hand, in order to resolve corporate debt crises through market-oriented and legal means, implement the requirements of "six stability" and "six guarantees", and maximize the protection of the interests of the country, employees, and creditors, it is recommended that governments at all levels choose and assist a group of enterprises with restructuring value to achieve rebirth through restructuring procedures, and coordinate financial institutions to develop financial products for difficult and bankrupt enterprises on the brink of bankruptcy. At the same time, drawing on the experience of Shenzhen's pilot work on personal bankruptcy system, explore the establishment of a centralized clearing mechanism for personal debt within the current legal framework.


Li Yan

How to enhance the people's sense of gain in the rule of law? Faced with new opportunities, challenges, and tasks, we should bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities and strive to catch up. We should deeply understand the concept of the rule of law, strengthen our own political stance and professional knowledge learning, based on our own duties, play the role of CPPCC members as channels to deeply understand the people at all levels and understand social and public opinion, focus on the thoughts and expectations of the people, actively propose feedback and suggestions, and enable law enforcement agencies to respond to the new expectations of the people for fairness and justice with powerful, right and wrong, and warm judgments.

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Song Heng

The promulgation and implementation of the Civil Code is a milestone event in the legislative history of New China, which is of great significance for adhering to the people-centered development concept, safeguarding people's rights and interests in accordance with the law, and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. Faced with an increasing number of laws, regulations, and professional legal provisions, it is particularly important to educate citizens on how to consciously learn, respect, abide by, and use the law. Enterprises, institutions, schools, hospitals, social organizations and other social entities should be included in the scope of legal education to enhance the legal awareness of the whole society, truly making the law deeply rooted in people's hearts and implemented in practice.

Although the road may be long, it will come; although things are difficult to do, they will be achieved. 

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