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Public Welfare | Lawyer Li Yasu from our firm participates in voluntary blood donation public welfare activities
Time:2024-05-07   Cilck:408

Hot blooded youth

Aichong Luocheng

Voluntary blood donation public welfare activities


On the morning of January 7th, Li Yasu, a lawyer from our party member, participated in the "Passionate Youth and Love in Luocheng" youth voluntary blood donation activity held in front of Quanshun Shopping Plaza, contributing to ensuring the medical blood supply in our city and safeguarding the life safety of critically ill patients.


Voluntary blood donation

Love is courage

It's dedication, it's security

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Voluntary blood donation

Love is courage

It's dedication, it's security

Lawyer Li Yasu, as an outstanding young lawyer representative of our law firm, actively participates in voluntary legal services such as the "Six Advancements", "Ten Thousand Institutions Joining Ten Thousand Meetings", "One Thousand Institutions Joining Thousand Enterprises", and (Village) Legal Advisor in the legal industry promotion in our city, as well as public welfare activities such as donating funds to aid education, poverty alleviation, and disaster (epidemic) prevention and control.

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 Legal popularization and publicity

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Since 2021, our firm has formed three service teams with 23 lawyers, providing legal advisory services to 69 villages in Luhun Town, Tianhu Town, and Yanzhuang Town in Song County, our city. We have continued to carry out legal education activities such as "Sending Laws to Campus", "Entering Enterprises", and "Entering Rural (Community)". As a member of the service team, Lawyer Li Yasu has repeatedly taught villagers legal knowledge that is closely related to people's lives. The excellent teaching content has enabled the majority of villagers to master legal knowledge and receive legal education.

Lawyer Li Yasu

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Lawyer Li Yasu, a member of the Communist Party of China, holds a graduate degree. He is a practicing lawyer at a law firm in Henan Province, a young talent in Luoyang, and a member of the Legal Professional Committee and Youth Lawyer Work Committee of the Luoyang Bar Association. Proficient in providing year-round legal advisory services in litigation and non litigation, corporate legal risk prevention and control, investment and mergers and acquisitions, and other civil and commercial fields. Participated in the resolution of multiple investment and financing, contract disputes, due diligence, and other legal service projects. Served as a legal advisor for multiple large state-owned and private enterprises.


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Award winning debate competition

In the 2022 "Youth Reflection, My Heart Towards the Party" debate competition held in the lawyer industry of our city, after fierce competition, our debate team composed of lawyers Ding Haoyu, Li Yasu, and Liu Pujun won the third place with excellent results, and lawyer Li Yasu was awarded the title of "Best Debater".

Lawyer Li Yasu stated that as a member of the law firm, he will continue to contribute his modest efforts to social welfare and the construction of the rule of law.

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