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Dynamic | Our organization holds a special meeting on lawyer work

On the afternoon of December 31st,Henan Province organized a special study meeting on lawyer work for the law firm.Yang Xintao,Secretary and Director of our party branch,presided over and conveyed the spirit of the city's lawyer work conference and the city's legal publicity and education work conference.Learning the spirit of the conferenceBefore the meeting began,my partner,Lawyer Song Heng,first answered and clarified the questions and doubts encountered by intern lawyers and young lawyers during their initial practice of serving clients.Based on their personal case handling experience,they provided professional and detailed answers to young lawyers in terms of how to communicate skillfully with clients,how to improve their professional abilities,and the role that lawyers should play in serving as long-term legal advisors for enterprises.Subsequently,under the leadership of Director Yang Xintao,we focused on studying the important speech of Party Secretary and Director of the Judicial Bureau of our city,Party Hui,at the Luoyang Lawyer Work Conference.The clear requirements for the work of lawyers emphasize the need to take political construction as the leadership and comprehensively strengthen the party building work in the legal industry;Taking serving the people as the purpose,improving service quality and expanding service areas;Focusing on improving quality,comprehensively strengthening the construction of the legal team;Guided by optimizing the system,comprehensively strengthen the construction of management capabilities.At the end of the meeting,Comrade Yang Xintao further summarized the outstanding performance of our lawyers in various activities such as party and government legal advisory work,village legal advisory work,public welfare activities,and the"Red Button"project for young lawyers in 2021.In the new year,we must not be arrogant or impatient,and continue to contribute to the construction of the rule of law in Luoyang.


Dynamic | First, showcase the style of young lawyers

The timing and personnel are constantly urging each other,and the winter solstice brings sunshine and spring returns!On December 30,2021,Henan Province held a youth lawyer talent exhibition event called"Moving,Sailing,Youth Stirring"for the law firm.Our 14 lawyers,including Yang Yuhao,Yang Tianxiao,Li Yasu,Xu Luowang,and Wu Jie,showcased the vibrant and energetic spirit of our young lawyers through various means such as speeches,talk shows,magic,cross-talk,and solo singing.Henan Xianwei Law FirmAt the beginning of the event,Director Yang Xintao of our law firm stated that young lawyers are the new generation of strength in the law firm.They not only need to improve their professional skills in fulfilling work,but also enrich their cultural cultivation in daily life.They have placed earnest expectations and beautiful wishes on the young lawyers present.Lawyer Yang XintaoHenan Xianwei Law FirmExhibition of StyleWith the activity in full swing,the atmosphere on site was lively,with applause,laughter,emotion,tears,and the infinite aspirations and prospects of young lawyers for the future.At that moment,everyone's hearts were tightly united,speaking and listening like family membersExciting Program ReviewLawyer Yang YuhaoLawyer Yang TianxiaoLawyer Ren HaogangLawyer Xu LuowangLawyer Lu YingchenLawyer Liu DiLawyer Ji MengyuanLawyer Wu JieLawyer Zhang XiaoyiLawyer Li YasuLawyer Guo YuyingLawyer Liu PujunHenan Xianwei Law FirmAt the end of the event,Lawyer Li Yan,Deputy Director of our institution,discussed the theme of"The Road to Advancing Young Lawyers"and explained to everyone that young lawyers should continuously enrich themselves through learning,cultivate good work habits and excellent professional qualities while having clear career plans.He also used vivid examples to explain the positive feedback brought by professional skills.The young lawyers present were enlightened and benefited greatly.Lawyer Li YanHenan Xianwei Law FirmHsinchu is higher than the old bamboo branches,relying solely on the support of the old stems.Next year,there will be new students,ten zhang long sun circling the phoenix pond.Full of high praise for senior lawyers and heavy expectations for the new generation of young lawyers,Henan Xianwei Law Firm will uphold the spirit of inheritance and continue its original intention and mission of contributing to the progress of the rule of law in China!


Dynamic | "Warm Winter Sun" Henan Donates Love Bookstore to Law Firm

Law firm donates "Love Bookstore"In winter,the wind and frost are cold,and the fragrance of books competes with the spring sun.In response to the"Luoyang Lawyers Love Bookstore"series of public welfare activities initiated by the Luoyang Lawyers Association,on the afternoon of December 28,2021,Henan Province first drove the lawyers of the law firm to Jingyang Town Junior High School in Luoning County,donated more than a thousand books in literature,social sciences,and education to students,and donated the construction of the sixth Luoyang Lawyers Association Love Bookstore.Donation CeremonyCheng Bing,Director of the Lawyer Work Department and Deputy Secretary of the Lawyer Industry Party Committee of the Luoyang Judicial Bureau,He Guoliang,Secretary of the Jingyang Town Party Committee,Li Weiwei,Mayor,Yang Xintao,President and Cao Zhenfeng,Vice President of the Luoyang Lawyer Association,Lei Baifeng,President of the Central School of Jingyang Town,Wang Tianmin,President of the Junior High School of Jingyang Town,Lei Yanhong,Director of the Public Welfare and Legal Committee of the Luoyang Lawyer Association,Wang Hao,Deputy Director of the Propaganda Committee of the Luoyang Lawyer Association,and Song Heng and Xiao Chun,partners of the Henan First Law Firm,attended the donation ceremony.Speech by Comrade He Guoliang as a representativeComrade He Guoliang,on behalf of the town party committee and government,welcomed the Luoyang Lawyers Association and Henan Xianwei Law Firm,which are concerned about and supporting the development of the school.He said that this donation has made children feel the warmth of spring.I believe that under the sunshine of love,children can thrive and repay society with excellent results.Representative's speechSpeech by Comrade Yang Xintao as a representativeComrade Yang Xintao stated that the goodness of life is nothing more than helping others,and the virtue of helping others is nothing more than helping students.The"Luoyang Lawyers Love Bookstore"series of public welfare activities initiated by the Municipal Lawyers Association have been recognized by higher authorities and various sectors of society.I hope that children can become socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development in morality,intelligence,physical fitness,aesthetics,and labor through reading.Speech by Comrade Wang Tianmin as a representativeComrade Wang Tianmin,on behalf of all teachers and students of the school,expressed gratitude to the Luoyang Lawyers Association and Henan Xianwei Law Firm for donating"Love Bookstore"and books.I hope that children can read more and read good books,and embrace the challenges of life with an optimistic and proactive spirit,realizing their life ideals.Representative's speechSpeech by Representative Song HengComrade Song Heng,on behalf of all lawyers in the law firm in Henan,gave a speech to share the story of Premier Zhou Enlai's reading for the rise of China.He hoped that children could read extensively,seek truth and be pragmatic,and contribute to serving the country,prosperous and strong national rejuvenation,and people's happiness when they grow up.Leaving thousands of books as gifts,I feel an indescribable red scarf.Jingyang Town Junior High School spontaneously produced a banner to express gratitude to the organizers and donors of this event.Henan Xianwei Law FirmSince its establishment,Henan Xianwei Law Firm has been committed to social welfare activities.Under the initiative and organization of the Luoyang Lawyers Association,this donation of love books to impoverished and remote rural schools is another love activity that I sincerely give back to society in the continuous development of my institution.I will continue to participate in public welfare undertakings,convey love,and give back to society in the future.


Dynamic | Our lawyer actively participates in the "Constitution Propaganda Week" legal education activity

December 4,2021 is the eighth National Constitution Day in China.Our city held various forms of"Constitution Propaganda Week"legal education activities,and our lawyers actively responded and participated.Lectures on the Rule of LawIn order to deepen the study and implementation of the rule of law ideology and enhance the risk prevention awareness of state-owned enterprises in business management, on December 2nd and 3rd, our director Yang Xintao and deputy director Zhao Yi led multiple lawyers to participate in the "Legal Risk Identification and Prevention of State owned Assets Management" and the "12.4 Constitution Propaganda Week" organized by Guohong Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd., as well as the "2021 National Constitution Day and Legal Run Thousand Enterprises Activity" organized by Luoyang Guohong Technology Development Co., Ltd.Director Yang Xintao,based on his own case handling experience and relevant precedents,conducted a detailed analysis of the legal risks in the transfer of state-owned property rights,free transfer,and external investment during the operation of state-owned enterprises,and put forward targeted professional suggestions for risk prevention.Deputy Director Zhao Yi,with the topic of"Risk Prevention and Control of Personal Injury in Venue Operations",from the perspective of venue operation management,and through case interpretation,conducted in-depth analysis,explanation,and exchange with everyone on various potential risks related to personal injury after the opening of the new Science and Technology Museum in the future,as well as how to take preventive measures to avoid or reduce the occurrence of risks.Public welfare legal education and publicityOn December 4th, our lawyers participated in a square legal education and publicity event held in the old city of Luoyi Ancient City, preaching relevant content of the Constitution and Civil Code to tourists and the public, and receiving legal consultation, contributing to the effectiveness of the "Constitution Promotion Week".


Official announcement: Henan is the first law firm to relocate in good luck!

Henan Xianwei Law Firm Moves to Guobao BuildingThe Henan Xianwei Law Firm has gone through more than a decade of hard work and accumulation.With the development and changes of China's social,political,and economic development,as well as the continuous improvement of public legal awareness,the demand for legal services in the market is growing day by day,and the legal team is constantly expanding.In order to keep up with the development of the times and achieve the future planning of the law firm,the entire office is now relocated to the 27th floor of the National Treasure Building at the intersection of Kaiyuan Avenue and Wangcheng Avenue in Luolong District,Luoyang City.Reception areaOffice areaFirstly,the new office area of the law firm covers a total area of 1200 square meters,with an elegant environment and clear layout,adopting a modern business decoration style.At the same time,the office area has been divided into several meeting rooms,negotiation rooms,etc.Our firm successfully completed the relocation on November 28,2021,and held a relocation ceremony on November 30,2021.At the new address,we welcome customers and friends to visit and guide us!Henan Xianwei Law Firm will continue to uphold the cultural concept of"putting first",adhere to the service concept of"business first,customer first",and provide unique legal design for customers with professionalism and focus.We will provide comprehensive legal services to customers with exquisite and meticulous skills,and maximize customer interests with integrity and diligence,providing you and your enterprise with protection.


Dynamic | Our partner, Lawyer Song Heng, was invited to give a special lecture for the Tourism Development Group

In recent years,with the increasing number of infrastructure projects in China,legal disputes in the field of construction engineering have emerged frequently,mainly characterized by large amounts of subject matter,long cycles,complex legal relationships,and unpredictable judgment results,becoming a focus of attention for enterprise managers and lawyers.Luoyang Tourism Development Group Co.,Ltd.,as a state-owned sole proprietorship approved by the Luoyang Municipal People's Government,is responsible for integrating Luoyang tourism resources and promoting the rapid development of Luoyang's cultural and tourism industry.In recent years,the Tourism Development Group has always adhered to the development strategy of balancing cultural and tourism industries,and promoting project development,construction,and management and operation.To better manage project construction,further improve the management level of relevant personnel in the group in negotiating,reviewing,signing,and fulfilling construction contracts,and effectively prevent legal risks in construction contracts.On November 25,2021,our partner,Lawyer Song Heng,was warmly invited by the Risk Control Department of Tourism Development Group to conduct a special training titled"Risk and Prevention of Construction Projects from the Perspective of the Employer"for middle-level and above deputy leaders and employee representatives in various departments of the group,as well as engineering and technical personnel in construction project entities under the group.At 9 o'clock in the morning,the second conference room of the group headquarters was fully booked.After a brief self introduction and big data analysis of legal disputes related to construction projects,Lawyer Song Heng used the perspective of the employer as a starting point to list eight common construction project risk points in detail.Combined with his personal case handling experience,he explained these potential risks and hidden dangers that are often encountered in daily work in a simple and in-depth manner,and provided effective prevention measures and response strategies from both the legal and practical levels.In the atmosphere of frequent nods and applause,he ended the nearly two-hour teaching sharing.After the meeting,Lawyer Song continued to answer questions and clarify doubts for staff from various departments of the group in the interactive section.Leaders and project leaders attending the meeting expressed that the teaching benefited greatly,with exquisite and concise courseware production,and shared content that was combined with the actual situation of the Tourism Development Group.He directly addressed the pain points,difficulties,and remaining problems in project management,and hoped that similar training and lectures would be carried out more in the future.This training has come to a successful conclusion,and Lawyer Song Heng's professional ability has been highly recognized by clients.It has also established a professional and authoritative image for the legal service market of state-owned enterprises in Luoyang,and provided important reference significance for enterprise managers and project operators to protect their own rights,prevent risks,and resolve disputes in accordance with the law.Henan Xianwei Law Firm will further meet the legal requirements raised by clients in their development,safeguarding the legitimate and compliant development of the enterprise!

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