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Dynamic | Our organization holds a special meeting on lawyer work
Time:2022-01-02   Cilck:521

On the afternoon of December 31st,Henan Province organized a special study meeting on lawyer work for the law firm.Yang Xintao,Secretary and Director of our party branch,presided over and conveyed the spirit of the city's lawyer work conference and the city's legal publicity and education work conference.


Learning the spirit of the conference

Before the meeting began,my partner,Lawyer Song Heng,first answered and clarified the questions and doubts encountered by intern lawyers and young lawyers during their initial practice of serving clients.Based on their personal case handling experience,they provided professional and detailed answers to young lawyers in terms of how to communicate skillfully with clients,how to improve their professional abilities,and the role that lawyers should play in serving as long-term legal advisors for enterprises.

Subsequently,under the leadership of Director Yang Xintao,we focused on studying the important speech of Party Secretary and Director of the Judicial Bureau of our city,Party Hui,at the Luoyang Lawyer Work Conference.The clear requirements for the work of lawyers emphasize the need to take political construction as the leadership and comprehensively strengthen the party building work in the legal industry;Taking serving the people as the purpose,improving service quality and expanding service areas;Focusing on improving quality,comprehensively strengthening the construction of the legal team;Guided by optimizing the system,comprehensively strengthen the construction of management capabilities.

At the end of the meeting,Comrade Yang Xintao further summarized the outstanding performance of our lawyers in various activities such as party and government legal advisory work,village legal advisory work,public welfare activities,and the"Red Button"project for young lawyers in 2021.In the new year,we must not be arrogant or impatient,and continue to contribute to the construction of the rule of law in Luoyang.

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