Party building

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Party Building | First, carry out joint party building activities for the law firm's party branch and the Huaxiang branch's party branch
Time:2024-05-06   Cilck:539

Party building theme activities

First, the law firm's party branch and the Huaxiang branch's party branch

Jointly carry out joint party building activities at the "Luoyang Family Culture and Training Hall"


In order to deeply implement the Xi jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, continuously deepen the construction of family ethics, establish a good family ethics for party members and cadres, and drive the party's conduct to be upward and good.

On June 16, 2023, the party branch of Henan Xianwei Law Firm and the party branch of Huayang Branch of Luoyang Chanrong Group Co., Ltd. jointly entered the "Luoyang Family Culture and Family Training Hall" on the third floor of Luoyang Citizen's Home for a joint party building activity.

The foundation of the world lies in home

Family tradition is a set of values and behavioral norms passed down from generation to generation in a family, and is an important foundation for the overall social atmosphere.

The Luoyang Family Etiquette and Training Hall showcases excellent family traditions and teachings from ancient and modern times through five parts: "Core Guidelines", "Rooted Practice", "Family Model Inheritance", "Eternal Style", and "Harmony and New Style". It conveys the spirit of diligence, thrift, hard work, perseverance, honesty and trustworthiness, and the courage to innovate, inspiring party members and comrades to think together and strive for success.

In this joint party building activity, everyone jointly studied the important discourse of General Secretary Xi jinping on family traditions and family teachings, felt the family traditions and family teachings of the older generation of party and state leaders, understood the Xi jinping family tradition of "national affairs surpass heaven", as well as the local civilized family, the most beautiful family, filial piety, and other related deeds in Luoyang.

In the future, the sunshine and rain of good family ethics, good work style, and good party conduct will continue to nourish the spirit of party members and cadres to strengthen their self-cultivation and career development, and cultivate a firm belief in pursuing excellence.

Party building theme activities

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