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Dynamic | Henan First Law Firm Launches Village (Residential) Legal Advisor Work
Time:2021-07-20   Cilck:564

Assisting Rural Revitalization with Lawyers in Action

According to the deployment and requirements of the Municipal Bureau of Justice and the Municipal Lawyers Association regarding the work of village(residential)legal advisors,Henan Xianwei Law Firm recently initiated the work of village(residential)legal advisors in our office and conducted on-site communication with relevant village committees in Luhun Town,Song County.

On the morning of July 16,2021,a team of 16 lawyers,led by Yang Xintao,the director of a law firm in Henan,Song Heng,and Xiao Chun,who served as village(residential)legal advisors,arrived at the People's Government of Luhun Town,Song County.They met with village committee leaders from 29 villages in the town and gave an on-site lecture on popularizing the Civil Code.

Liang Shaobo,Deputy Secretary of Luhun Town in Song County,and Wang Yan,Deputy Director of the Judicial Bureau,delivered speeches successively,warmly welcoming the arrival of our lawyer and proposing suggestions and requirements for the lawyer to assume the role of village(residential)legal advisor.

Director Yang Xintao,on behalf of me,stated that the work of village(residential)legal advisors is not only an important measure to achieve modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity,but also a manifestation of responding to the government's call to actively promote the construction of a rule of law society,rule of law government,and rule of law country,and bravely assuming social responsibilities.Rural revitalization not only includes the revitalization of the economy,culture,and education,but also the revitalization of the rule of law.Henan Xianwei Law Firm is honored to contribute its modest efforts to the cause of rural revitalization.

Lectures on Legal Knowledge

Lawyer Song Heng gave lectures to village officials attending the conference on various legal knowledge related to marriage and family affairs,private lending,inheritance,and other aspects closely related to people's lives in the Civil Code.The excellent lectures were unanimously recognized by the attendees,achieving a good effect of using this docking meeting to promote the rule of law.

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Legal services entering enterprises

After the meeting,led by staff from the Judicial Bureau of Song County,all lawyers went to the Qiaobei Village Legal Service Center in Luhun Town to distribute legal education brochures to the public.Lawyers Li Jinxiang,Xie Wenjing,Chen Yafang,and Ma Liya visited and inspected the Yihuilong Environmental Protection Materials Co.,Ltd.located in Luhun Town,Luoyang City,and distributed legal education brochures to the employees present.Lawyer Li Jinxiang gave lectures on relevant legal knowledge related to enterprise production safety.

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