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First of all, for the series of infringement liability disputes | Who should I claim compensation for losses caused by product defects?

IntroductionMarch 15th is International Consumer Rights Day.As ordinary consumers,how should they protect their legitimate rights and interests in case of product liability disputes due to product quality issues?Basic case detailsCase source:People's Court Case LibraryZhu was once injured in a car accident,resulting in cervical spine injury and paralysis of the lower limbs.Zhu's wife,Du,purchased a multifunctional fumigation device at the defendant's health and wellness center for 2980 yuan.After purchasing a fumigation device involved in the case,Du carried Zhu onto the device and fumigated for 30 minutes.Later,he found that Zhu's buttocks were burned,so he contacted Guo,the operator of a health and wellness center,to go to his home for treatment.After simple treatment,the injury did not improve and was later sent to the hospital for treatment.The diagnosis was hip burn II°-III°,with a total hospitalization of 39 days.After Zhu was discharged from the hospital,the two parties were unable to reach a consensus on the issue of compensation for damages,so they filed a lawsuit in court,requesting an order:Firstly,the defendant,a health and wellness center,compensated the plaintiff Zhu three times the price of the goods,which was 8940 yuan;2、The defendant,a health and wellness center,compensated the plaintiff Zhu with 84688.5 yuan in various losses,including medical expenses,work loss expenses,nursing expenses,nutrition expenses,hospitalization meal subsidies,transportation expenses,appraisal fees,and compensation for mental damages.The People's Court of Changqing District,Jinan City has made the following civil judgment after trial:1.A certain health and wellness center is limited to compensate Zhu for various losses such as medical expenses,nursing expenses,nutrition expenses,hospitalization meal subsidies,transportation expenses,appraisal fees,etc.of 75608.91 yuan within ten days from the effective date of the judgment;2、Restrict a certain health and wellness center to refund the price of 2980 yuan for the multifunctional fumigation device involved in Zhu's case within ten days from the effective date of the judgment;3、Within ten days from the effective date of the judgment,Zhu is required to return one multi-functional fumigation device involved in the case to a health and wellness center;4、Reject Zhu's other litigation requests.After the verdict was pronounced,neither party appealed,and the verdict has taken legal effect.The court held thatAfter trial,the court found that the plaintiff was scalded during the normal use of the fumigation device involved in the case,indicating that the product had design defects.And during the sales process,the seller did not clearly inform consumers that the fumigation device in question should not be used for special groups with lower limb paralysis or other body parts that are unconscious.If there is a fault,the seller should bear the liability for compensation.At the same time,after the plaintiff was injured,his relatives did not seek medical treatment in a timely manner,and he also had some fault for the consequences of the damage.The court,at its discretion,ordered the defendant to compensate 90%of the plaintiff's various losses.Secondly,as an ordinary seller,the defendant does not possess professional inspection skills and abilities.Based on the trust of written appearance proof documents such as certificates of conformity and testing reports related to the product in question,they have reason to believe that the product is a qualified product,and there is no other evidence to prove that the defendant intentionally concealed or falsely promoted the product.Therefore,it cannot be determined that the defendant engaged in fraudulent sales behavior.The court does not support the plaintiff's claim for compensation of three times the price of the goods.However,due to quality defects in the products involved in the case,the fumigation device should be recalled by the defendant and the purchase price should be refunded to the plaintiff.Lawyer InterpretationThis case is a product liability dispute.According to the relevant provisions of Article 1203 of the Civil Code,if a consumer causes damage due to defects in the product during use,they can claim their rights from the product producer or request compensation from the seller.For producers and sellers of products,according to the above legal provisions,regardless of their own fault,as long as the product has defects and causes damage,they should bear no fault liability.Does having a certificate of conformity,testing report,and national mandatory product certification constitute a qualified product?It is worth noting that although the fumigation device in question already has the above-mentioned written documents,relying solely on these written appearance proofs cannot necessarily prove that the fumigation device in question has no design or quality defects.Due to the fact that consumer Zhu belongs to a special group of people with long-term paralysis,the health and wellness center,as the seller of the product,did not inform the special group that the fumigation device is not suitable for lower limb paralysis or other body parts that are unconscious,which poses an"unreasonable danger".Therefore,consumers can still request the seller or producer to bear infringement liability for the losses and consequences caused by the use of the product.Here,the lawyer first reminds consumers to pay attention to keeping the product receipts when purchasing goods.If a product infringement incident occurs,seek medical attention in a timely manner and properly keep invoices for medical and nursing expenses incurred during the medical treatment process,in order to provide effective evidence in the litigation process and reduce losses.As a product seller or producer,we should strictly control the quality of our products.If there are non-specific risks during the use of the product,consumers should be informed in a timely manner.Once defects are found in the product quality,they should be recalled in a timely manner to avoid personal injury incidents.Team IntroductionThe Xianwei Personal Injury Rights Protection Team is a young lawyer team with excellent professional quality and rich experience in handling cases.The team adheres to the service concept of"rigorous,efficient,professional,and responsible",forming a professional,standardized,and standardized case handling model.It is committed to handling various types of personal injury infringement liability disputes and providing customers with higher quality and efficient legal services.The team consists of 8 members,all of whom have years of work experience and rich practical experience.In recent years,they have dealt with more than 100 types of personal injury infringement cases,including disputes over liability for labor service providers,liability for voluntary assistance workers,liability for motor vehicle/non motor vehicle traffic accidents,and liability disputes for educational institutions.The team adheres to the principle of"maximizing the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved",ensuring that every client's commission receives the most professional and accurate legal services.


Dynamic | Henan Xianwei Law Firm Organized a Film Viewing Event for Article 20

To enhance team cohesion,enrich leisure cultural life,and further enhance lawyers'sense of social responsibility,motivate them to stick to their original aspirations,and maintain fairness and justice.On the afternoon of February 23rd,Henan Province first held a concentrated film watching themed party day activity for the law firm,organizing party member lawyers and young lawyers to watch the movie"Article 20".Movie OverviewThe title of this movie is derived from Article 20 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China,which stipulates the principle of legitimate defense.With vivid real-life themes and deeply ingrained storylines,it presents a vivid legal education lesson for the audience.The film is based on multiple self-defense cases handled by the judicial authorities in recent years and has undergone artistic processing.It closely connects legal provisions with people's daily lives and tells the story of prosecutors Han Ming and Lv Lingling breaking free from habitual thinking,overcoming numerous obstacles,tracing and restoring the truth of the case,and safeguarding fairness and justice in a slightly humorous way.What is law?"It's natural principles,national laws,and human relationships.I don't believe in national laws without natural principles,nor do I believe in natural laws without human relationships!""All the right things come with a price,but you can't stop doing them just because there is a price!"Where does the authority of law come from?"The most simple emotional expectations from the common people.""A crime pollutes a river,a wrong judgment pollutes the entire water source!""The law is to make the cost of bad people committing crimes higher,not to make the cost of good people taking action greater!"Law,we cannot make concessions to illegality!"We're not handling a case,it's someone else's life!"This line is from the movie"Article 20",where prosecutor Han Ming made a generous statement during a hearing.The viewers around us are moved to tears by the declaration of defending justice in the movie time and time again.From this,we can see that the people yearn for fairness and justice,yearn for it,and love it.I believe this film will definitely have a good legal education effect in society!Article 20 is not only a popular law film,but also a film that inspires legal professionals to ponder deeply.After watching it,everyone expressed that it was deeply touched.Law is not a cold legal provision.The legal situation and principles under a legal provision are worth pondering by every legal person.Law should not be enforced by cold machinery,and it should be a warm public conscience.The lawyer watching the film stated that he will continue to uphold a serious and responsible work attitude,continuously enhance his sense of responsibility,provide professional,efficient,and high-quality legal services to every client,and be a good lawyer who satisfies the Party and the people!Read Article 20 againThe Criminal Law of the People's Republic of ChinaArticle 20:Actions taken to stop illegal infringement in order to protect the interests of the state,public interest,personal,property,and other rights of oneself or others from ongoing illegal infringement,which cause harm to the illegal infringer,constitute legitimate defense and shall not bear criminal responsibility.If legitimate defense clearly exceeds the necessary limit and causes significant damage,criminal responsibility shall be borne,but the punishment shall be reduced or exempted.Taking defensive actions against ongoing violent crimes such as murder,robbery,rape,kidnapping,and other serious threats to personal safety,resulting in injury or death to the unlawful infringer,does not constitute excessive defense and does not bear criminal responsibility.


Dynamic | Henan Xianwei Law Firm's 2023 Work Summary and Honorary Commendation Conference Successfully Held

New YearEverything is updatedThe new era has opened up,and everything is updated.On the afternoon of February 1,2024,the 2023 Work Summary and Commendation Conference of Henan Xianwei Law Firm was successfully held,and all colleagues gathered together in a joyful atmosphere to review and look forward,exchange and share ideas.This meeting is chaired by Lawyer Du Xinxin.2023 Work Summary and Commendation ConferenceWork SummaryYang XintaoDirector Yang Xintao gave a summary speech on the party building work,business revenue generation,cultural construction,and honor achievements of our institute in the previous year,and made work arrangements for 2024.The original intention is solid,and we are poised to move forward.In 2024,based on improving the quality of party building work and strengthening the legal practice ability,Xianwei Law Firm will continue to input new knowledge,stimulate the enthusiasm and vitality of lawyers,build a more professional team,make the light of Xianwei brighter,and make the culture of Xianwei warmer.Song HengThe principle of leading and testing party building through party building has always been the sustained development and practice of law firms.Comrade Song Heng,Deputy Secretary of the branch,gave a summary speech on the construction of our party organization,political learning,and thematic education activities,and proposed new goals for party building work in 2024.Lawyer's representative speakingFirstly,lawyers Bao Danyang,Li Yasu,Wu Jie,Chen Yafang,and Yang Tianxiao,representing young lawyers from the law firm,summarized and shared their growth and achievements in 2023 and their prospects for 2024 from different perspectives.The wonderful speech inspired more young lawyers to be enthusiastic,bravely go out,break through limitations,and gain more possibilities.Honorary commendationThose who share the same desires will win,and those who work together in the same boat will win.The achievements of Henan Xianwei Law Firm today are inseparable from the hard work and enterprising spirit of every Xianwei person.For this purpose,the conference has set up the Income Contribution Award,Excellent Lawyer Award,Excellent Intern Lawyer Award,Partner Special Contribution Award,Outstanding Contribution Award,Best Team Award,Best Public Interest Award,and Propaganda Contribution Award.Lawyers who performed well in 2023 were commended to recognize their contributions to the development of the law firm.The partners of the law firm presented awards to the award-winning lawyers.Lawyers Bao Danyang,Ding Haoyu,and Yang Yuhao were awarded the"Income Contribution Award"Lawyers Ding Haoyu, Li Yasu, and Bao Danyang were awarded the title of "Excellent Lawyer"Li Mengyang and Zhang Wenrong were awarded the title of "Excellent Intern Lawyer"Lawyer Zhao Yi won the"Partner Special Contribution Award"Lawyer Li Yasu won the"Outstanding Contribution Award"The team that first defended personal injury rights won the"Best Team Award"“Lawyer Yang Tianxiao won the"Best Public Welfare Award"“Literary and artistic performancesSinging and laughing to welcome the New Year,performing arts and celebrating the festival together.After the meeting,everyone went to the National Treasure Platinum Hotel together for a cultural performance and lucky draw.Looking back on the past,it is to better welcome the future.In the new year,we will continue to maintain the spirit of unity and progress for lawyers,work hard to achieve higher goals,and work together to create a better tomorrow.On the occasion of the arrival of the Spring Festival,I would like to thank the friends who have always supported and accompanied the first law firm,and wish you all a happy the Year of the Loong and all the best!


Reading Club | Using Speeches to Connect Others and Spread Ideas

IntroductionOn the afternoon of January 30, 2024, Xianwei Reading Club welcomed the first lecture of the 2024 New Year, which was also the sharing of the 23rd session of Xianwei Reading Club. In this book sharing activity, Director Li Yan of our institute brought you the "Secret of TED Speech", a tool book about "speech", to understand the secrets behind speeches.Jeremy Donovan,the author of"The Secret of TED Talks,"is the organizer of TEDx conferences and also a coach for TED and TEDx speakers.The book"The Secret of TED Speeches"aims to introduce readers to how to give influential speeches,so that your ideas can be better accepted by the audience.This book covers various aspects of speech,including preparation,communication skills,expression,body language,and building connections with the audience.Especially for lawyers,effective communication and conveying one's opinions to others is an important skill,and therefore,The Secret of TED Speaking is a very popular speech guide.The speech revolves around the key questions of why we need to say,what we need to say,and how to say it.At the same time,Director Li Yan also introduced to everyone the core rules of speech in the book,the techniques of how to move people's hearts in speech content,allowing everyone to appreciate the charm of speech and deeply understand the secrets contained in speech.Speech is an indispensable skill for lawyers when debating or making statements in court.Through Director Li Yan's sharing of the book"The Secrets of TED Speech",we aim to enhance our communication skills through speech,connect with others,spread our thoughts,and make public expression our core competitiveness.


Dynamic | "As Little as a Torch Becomes Yang" Henan Xianwei Law Firm Youth Lawyer Speech Competition

The precipitation of wisdom, looking up at the future sky. To actively respond to the "Year of Standardized Practice and Improvement" campaign in our city's lawyer industry, and to showcase the spiritual style of lawyers in the new era, we provide a platform for young lawyers to showcase themselves. Henan Xianwei Law Firm successfully held a youth lawyer speech competition on December 29, 2023, with the theme of "not less than a slight light, creating a bright future".Competition venueThe competition judges are composed of our founding partner Li Yan, partner Guan Guofang, and practicing lawyer representatives Xie Wenjing, Cao Mingzhe, and Ding Haoyu. Lawyer Li Yasu serves as the host of the competition.In the competition, 14 speakers focused on the theme, reviewed their own experiences, combined with their original aspirations and dreams as legal professionals, delved deeper and passionately, and talked freely about their aspirations and expectations for the future. They presented a grand audio-visual feast with full enthusiasm, sincere emotions, and vivid examples, winning applause and applause from the audience present.After the contestants finished their speeches, the judges comprehensively evaluated and guided the performance of the 14 contestants in terms of speech content, language expression, posture and expression.Summary speechAt the end of the competition, Director Li Yan affirmed the performance of the contestants and encouraged them to bravely showcase themselves. Secondly, he expressed that First Place Law Firm always prioritizes the cultivation and development of young lawyers, emphasizing that the future of young lawyers is the future of First Place Law Firm. Finally, the young lawyer hopes that everyone can devote themselves to the construction of the rule of law in the country with practical actions, not forgetting their original intention, and contributing their own strength to the process of rule of law.Competition results01First Prize Winner: Li MengyangWon second prize: Huang Min, Du Xinxin0203Third Prize Ma Zhixiang, Chen Gongcheng, Qin HuanhuanYouth Lawyer Speech CompetitionAt this point, the Youth Lawyer Speech Competition has come to a successful end. We have worked hard today and gained tomorrow. This competition fully demonstrates the thinking and expression abilities of young lawyers, improves their comprehensive literacy, and interprets the positive and upward spirit of being a lawyer. We look forward to more lawyers standing on stage and making a name for themselves in the next competition, continuing to write a new chapter!


Party Building | First, carry out the theme education activity of learning and implementing the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era for the Party Branch

Recently, the party branch of Henan Xianwei Law Firm held a meeting of all party members to study and formulate the "Implementation Plan for Theme Education of Henan Xianwei Law Firm's Party Branch" and "Henan Xianwei Law Firm's Party Branch Theme Education Learning Plan", and made specific arrangements for carrying out theme education activities of this branch. Branch Secretary Yang Xintao, Deputy Secretary Song Heng, Discipline Inspection Commissioner Xiao Chun, Organization Commissioner Guan Guofang, and all party members attended the meeting, which was chaired by Comrade Song Heng.Theme educationIn accordance with the "Six Musts" proposed by the Party Committee of the Provincial Department of Justice, we will strive to achieve the established goal of theme education in the lawyer industry in our city by forging the soul through learning, enhancing intelligence through learning, promoting work through learning, and promoting work through learning.Comrade Song Heng led everyone to study some parts of the excerpt of the Special Topic on Xi jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, emphasizing that lawyer work should adhere to the guidance of Xi jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, deeply study and implement the spirit of Xi jinping General Secretary's series of speeches and important instructions, improve the level of theoretical literacy, enhance the awareness of loving the Party and patriotism, conscientiously practice the purpose of serving the people, and actively serve economic and social development.Theme education All party members and comrades had a heated discussion on how the Party branch of the law firm can carry out thematic education. Everyone agrees that the party branch of the law firm should fully leverage its role as a fighting fortress and a pioneer model for party members and lawyers, better integrate the Xi jinping socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics into the work of lawyers, continuously improve its political literacy and professional ability, provide clients with more professional, convenient, and accurate legal services, and contribute to the construction of the rule of law in socialism with Chinese characteristics.First, the party branch of the law firm will regularly learn the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi jinping, effectively strengthen the leadership of party building through thematic education, and promote all first lawyers to more deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment", more consciously enhance the "four consciousness", firm the "four self-confidence", and achieve "two maintenance", so as to help the high-quality development of the lawyer industry and the practice of Chinese path to modernization in Luoyang.

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