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Party Building | First, carry out the theme education activity of learning and implementing the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era for the Party Branch
Time:2024-05-06   Click:729



Recently, the party branch of Henan Xianwei Law Firm held a meeting of all party members to study and formulate the "Implementation Plan for Theme Education of Henan Xianwei Law Firm's Party Branch" and "Henan Xianwei Law Firm's Party Branch Theme Education Learning Plan", and made specific arrangements for carrying out theme education activities of this branch. Branch Secretary Yang Xintao, Deputy Secretary Song Heng, Discipline Inspection Commissioner Xiao Chun, Organization Commissioner Guan Guofang, and all party members attended the meeting, which was chaired by Comrade Song Heng.

Theme education

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In accordance with the "Six Musts" proposed by the Party Committee of the Provincial Department of Justice, we will strive to achieve the established goal of theme education in the lawyer industry in our city by forging the soul through learning, enhancing intelligence through learning, promoting work through learning, and promoting work through learning.

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Comrade Song Heng led everyone to study some parts of the excerpt of the Special Topic on Xi jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, emphasizing that lawyer work should adhere to the guidance of Xi jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, deeply study and implement the spirit of Xi jinping General Secretary's series of speeches and important instructions, improve the level of theoretical literacy, enhance the awareness of loving the Party and patriotism, conscientiously practice the purpose of serving the people, and actively serve economic and social development.

Theme education

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All party members and comrades had a heated discussion on how the Party branch of the law firm can carry out thematic education. Everyone agrees that the party branch of the law firm should fully leverage its role as a fighting fortress and a pioneer model for party members and lawyers, better integrate the Xi jinping socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics into the work of lawyers, continuously improve its political literacy and professional ability, provide clients with more professional, convenient, and accurate legal services, and contribute to the construction of the rule of law in socialism with Chinese characteristics.

First, the party branch of the law firm will regularly learn the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi jinping, effectively strengthen the leadership of party building through thematic education, and promote all first lawyers to more deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment", more consciously enhance the "four consciousness", firm the "four self-confidence", and achieve "two maintenance", so as to help the high-quality development of the lawyer industry and the practice of Chinese path to modernization in Luoyang.

