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Dynamic | 2023 New Year's dedication
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Dynamic | 2023 New Year's dedication



New Year's dedication

Henan Xianwei Law Firm

December 30,2022


If the past year was the worst of the previous decade,I don't think there will be too many people opposing it.There's no need to lick the wound again,just let it pass.

The lawyer industry is not going well in 2022,and we,like our clients,are facing various difficulties.Lawyers are warriors who uphold human rights,service providers of economic activities,and lubricants of social contradictions.Only in a well functioning society can one make a difference.Everyone has stopped,and we have also stopped.


Will 2023 be good?Will we expect a retaliatory rebound and explosive growth?I'm not that optimistic,at least don't expect too much in the first half of the year.We have seen a cliff like decline,and a soaring rise is not so easy.Objectively speaking,licking wounds,building confidence,finding direction,building systems,and creating a climate all require time and effort,and cannot be achieved overnight.If the temporary prosperity is really brought about by injecting chicken blood and heart strengthening injections,it may be even worse in the long run.

In my mind,the most impressive person in 2022 is Yu Minhong.I think he is too handsome in 2022,more impressive than when New Oriental went public.Within a year,from being beaten down with a stick,to calmly tidying up the battlefield,and silently patiently cultivating new fields,this person has stood up again.No complaints or arguments,no escape,no sighing and retreating,always facing investors and the general public with joy,always conveying positive energy,humble and even maintaining humor.

So,since we are at the bottom of the valley now,let's look up and see that although the sky is a bit far away,it is still wide and deep blue;Since we have already squatted down,let's reach out and touch the ground under our feet,think about our original intention,move our legs and feet,step on our feet firmly,and try to jump up again.


In 2022,we persevered in reading amidst difficulties and held eleven sessions of Xianwei Reading Club.The content we read ranged from psychology to sociology,from classic ancient books to best-selling texts,from realistic literature to fictional works.From co reading to co frequency,we nourish and connect with books.

In 2022,we will adhere to business learning and sharing,with internal learning conducted once a week.Our lawyers will analyze preferred cases,share case handling experiences,teach document writing,and big data retrieval skills.We know that fishing during busy hours and networking during leisure time are the foundation for improving professional skills and service levels.

2023 is the beginning of our entrepreneurial journey,no longer clinging to the accumulation of the past.We will face new customer structures,new service requirements,new professional environments,and new competitors.In 2022,we are going downhill.The downhill road is easy,but we are not happy;In 2023,we will embark on an uphill journey,which is difficult,so we cannot help but work hard.

In 2023,we need to find our strengths and achieve them to the extreme;Always pay attention to your shortcomings and make up for them.A colleague said:If you can't succeed even with 100%effort,then it's even less likely to succeed with only 80%effort.Isn't it!100%effort is just a necessary condition.In addition to effort,one also needs to repeatedly review,think,correct,try,seek help,and learn from the advanced.We won't deceive ourselves by telling ourselves that hard work is enough,and the result is not important.Learning without thinking is meaningless.Effort,methods,and results are all important.Because we are entrusted by others,we must do our best to give the best results to those who trust us.We must keep up with the times,seek truth and reality,constantly move forward,break through and develop,and give our unknown selves the best present.

We need to find partners who share the same values,cherish them,and work together towards our goals.A person walks fast,a group of people walks far.We don't need to walk too fast now,but we want to go further.Partners will change your life and bring you a new world.

We need to find our own spiritual paradise.The process of life is destined to be sad and happy,and life is also full of bitterness and sweetness.Ultimately,what supports us to move forward is the faith and beauty of the spiritual world.Adler said:The only way for humans to overcome their inferiority complex is to help others and realize their social value.I believe that being good at oneself,helping others,and realizing social value are the only ways to achieve self-awareness and happiness.Our spiritual paradise has love,beauty,truth,and fun,it is our invisible armor and greatest wealth.

So,2023 has arrived,and the good times have come.

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