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Dynamic | "Warm Winter Sun" Henan Donates Love Bookstore to Law Firm
Time:2021-12-29   Click:578

Law firm donates "Love Bookstore"


In winter,the wind and frost are cold,and the fragrance of books competes with the spring sun.In response to the"Luoyang Lawyers Love Bookstore"series of public welfare activities initiated by the Luoyang Lawyers Association,on the afternoon of December 28,2021,Henan Province first drove the lawyers of the law firm to Jingyang Town Junior High School in Luoning County,donated more than a thousand books in literature,social sciences,and education to students,and donated the construction of the sixth Luoyang Lawyers Association Love Bookstore.

Donation Ceremony

Cheng Bing,Director of the Lawyer Work Department and Deputy Secretary of the Lawyer Industry Party Committee of the Luoyang Judicial Bureau,He Guoliang,Secretary of the Jingyang Town Party Committee,Li Weiwei,Mayor,Yang Xintao,President and Cao Zhenfeng,Vice President of the Luoyang Lawyer Association,Lei Baifeng,President of the Central School of Jingyang Town,Wang Tianmin,President of the Junior High School of Jingyang Town,Lei Yanhong,Director of the Public Welfare and Legal Committee of the Luoyang Lawyer Association,Wang Hao,Deputy Director of the Propaganda Committee of the Luoyang Lawyer Association,and Song Heng and Xiao Chun,partners of the Henan First Law Firm,attended the donation ceremony.

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Speech by Comrade He Guoliang as a representative

Comrade He Guoliang,on behalf of the town party committee and government,welcomed the Luoyang Lawyers Association and Henan Xianwei Law Firm,which are concerned about and supporting the development of the school.He said that this donation has made children feel the warmth of spring.I believe that under the sunshine of love,children can thrive and repay society with excellent results.

Representative's speech

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Speech by Comrade Yang Xintao as a representative

Comrade Yang Xintao stated that the goodness of life is nothing more than helping others,and the virtue of helping others is nothing more than helping students.The"Luoyang Lawyers Love Bookstore"series of public welfare activities initiated by the Municipal Lawyers Association have been recognized by higher authorities and various sectors of society.I hope that children can become socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development in morality,intelligence,physical fitness,aesthetics,and labor through reading.

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Speech by Comrade Wang Tianmin as a representative

Comrade Wang Tianmin,on behalf of all teachers and students of the school,expressed gratitude to the Luoyang Lawyers Association and Henan Xianwei Law Firm for donating"Love Bookstore"and books.I hope that children can read more and read good books,and embrace the challenges of life with an optimistic and proactive spirit,realizing their life ideals.

Representative's speech

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Speech by Representative Song Heng

Comrade Song Heng,on behalf of all lawyers in the law firm in Henan,gave a speech to share the story of Premier Zhou Enlai's reading for the rise of China.He hoped that children could read extensively,seek truth and be pragmatic,and contribute to serving the country,prosperous and strong national rejuvenation,and people's happiness when they grow up.

Leaving thousands of books as gifts,I feel an indescribable red scarf.

Jingyang Town Junior High School spontaneously produced a banner to express gratitude to the organizers and donors of this event.

Henan Xianwei Law Firm

Since its establishment,Henan Xianwei Law Firm has been committed to social welfare activities.Under the initiative and organization of the Luoyang Lawyers Association,this donation of love books to impoverished and remote rural schools is another love activity that I sincerely give back to society in the continuous development of my institution.I will continue to participate in public welfare undertakings,convey love,and give back to society in the future.

