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Dynamic | Teacher Wang Zhongde Visits Our Firm to Hold a Symposium on the Construction and Development of Law Firms

Teacher Wang Zhongde visited our institute to carry outConstruction and Development of Law FirmsSymposiumSymposiumMeetingsOn the afternoon of September 16, 2023, Henan Province invited Mr. Wang Zhongde, the Honorary Chairman of the Dacheng Global Network Joint Conference, the Honorary Managing Partner of Dacheng, and the President of the Dacheng International Legal Services Research Institute, to have a discussion with relevant leaders of the Department of Justice and Bureau, our partners, and lawyers on the construction and development of the law firm. Wang Zhen, Director of the Lawyer Work Department of the Henan Provincial Department of Justice, Li Zhisong, Director of the Lawyer Work Department of the Municipal Bureau of Justice, and some partners, practicing lawyers, and intern lawyers of our firm attended this symposium.Sharing and Exchange SymposiumAt the symposium, Professor Wang Zhongde provided forward-looking, systematic, and scientific explanations on the problems encountered by law firm partners and young lawyers in the construction and development of law firms, such as future planning, industry positioning analysis, exploration of emerging industries, customer recognition and satisfaction standards, and training of young lawyers. He provided professional and patient answers to the problems encountered by partners and young lawyers in the construction and development of law firms, combined with the mature experience and successful cases of Beijing Dacheng Law Firm. At the same time, Teacher Wang Zhongde also explained to the present partners and young lawyers the professional standards of lawyers, personalized operations, the positioning of the law firm industry, strategy formulation, brand building, and digital transformation response during the symposium.Through this symposium, listening to Professor Wang Zhongde's systematic, scientific, and rich explanations, our partners and young lawyers have benefited greatly. They have played a guiding and driving role in both our future plans and the path of our lawyers. They have made every partner and lawyer more deeply aware of the importance of creating and developing the industry brand of the law firm, and have worked together to move forward towards this common goal.


Party Building | First, the law firm's party branch went to the Taiyue Red Culture Exhibition Hall to carry out party building activities

Party Day1921-2023102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPCIn order to welcome the arrival of the "July 1st" Party Day, continue to study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and deepen the theme education activities of "being a good lawyer who satisfies the Party and the people", according to the requirements of the "Notice of the Luoyang Lawyer Industry Party Committee on Carrying out a Series of Activities to Celebrate the 102nd Anniversary of the Party's Founding on July 1st", on June 28, 2023, Song Heng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of Henan Xianwei Law Firm, and Cao Mingzhe, Propaganda Commissioner, led some party members, lawyers, and active party members to the Taiyue Red Culture Exhibition Hall in Xin'an County to carry out party building activities.The Taiyue Red Culture Exhibition Hall is located in Gucun, Zhengcun Township, Xin'an County. As a microcosm of the Chinese revolution during the war era, Xin'an, a revolutionary old area in western Henan, has left behind a series of touching red memories. In 1927, the first party branch of the Communist Party of China in Xin'an was established. On the banks of the Yellow River, inside and outside the Han Pass, outstanding Xin'an children ignited the flames of revolutionary struggle, fought bravely, and ultimately won a comprehensive victory in the Anti Japanese War.Under the leadership of Comrade Song Heng, all party members and lawyers collectively solemnly took a solemn oath, revisiting the oath of joining the party and expressing their firm belief in loyalty to the party and serving the people. Everyone expressed that this event has made all party members and active party members feel the precious spiritual wealth left by our predecessors. It will always be the spiritual driving force that inspires us to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Adhering to the leadership of the Party is the fundamental and lifeline of the Party and the country, as well as the interests and happiness of the people  Seven/One/Building/Party/FestivalAfter the visit, all members took a group photo as a souvenir and shouted their firm determination to inherit the red gene and promote revolutionary traditions. In the future work, the first lawyer will consciously abide by and support the leadership of the CPC, practice the concept of people's lawyers for the people, never forget the original intention, remember the mission, earnestly perform social responsibilities, be a good lawyer satisfied by the party and the people, and contribute to the cause of the party. Seven/One/Building/Party/Festival


Dynamic | "Sending Law to Campus" First for Lawyers in Action

Sending the law to campusWe're on our wayFirst, carry out a special lecture on delivering laws to campus for the law firmAs summer approaches, in order to better protect and care for children, further enhance students' awareness of the rule of law and their awareness of abiding by the law, be a qualified student who knows, understands, and abides by the law, and learn to use the law for self-protection.On the afternoon of June 19th, our partner Song Heng conducted a legal education campaign on "Say No to Campus Bullying" at the Tiekuo Lane campus of the First Primary School in the old urban area of his alma mater.In the lecture, Lawyer Song Heng, in combination with the characteristics of students and psychological growth problems, elaborated on "what is campus bullying", "the causes of campus bullying", "the harm caused by campus bullying", and "how to prevent bullying" from the legal knowledge level. Thoroughly analyze the causes of campus bullying, use vivid and vivid cases to explain to students the impact and harm that campus bullying brings to victims and bullies, guide students to master the basic methods of staying away from campus bullying, and enable students to learn to stay away from campus bullying in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.On the afternoon of June 19th, Lawyer Chen Yafang from our firm went to Luoyang Zhuangyuanhong Junior High School to carry out a legal publicity campaign on "staying away from campus violence and creating a civilized campus".Lawyer Chen Yafang, based on real-life cases of campus violence, gave a vivid legal lesson to students in simple and understandable language from four aspects: "What is campus violence", "The main manifestations of campus violence", "The harm of campus violence", and "How to stay away from campus violence".In interaction and reflection, Lawyer Chen Yafang guides students to develop legal thinking and establish a sense of the rule of law. Students have expressed that they will use legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights and interests and stay away from campus violence in their future lives and studies.In the future, the law firm will continue to strengthen the promotion of the rule of law in campus activities, enhance the legal awareness of young people and children, effectively protect their physical and mental health, help them love life, cherish life, and build a strong campus safety defense line.


Youth League Building | Youth at the Right Time, Together Towards the Future

-Henan Xianwei Law Firm-Youth&ExcellenceLet's have a spontaneous tripThe sky is blue and clouds are entwined, flowers are delicate and butterflies dance gracefullyImmersed in the green mountains and waters, the refreshing breeze brings a refreshing feelingEveryone sat around and chatted freely, talking about everythingOr drinking heavily, toasting and toasting, drinking and chatting happily, whether it's pleasant or notFirst for team buildingAfter the beginning of summer, a spontaneous trip in front of Xiaoman is perfect. Recently, Henan Xianwei Law Firm visited the Tianhe Grand Canyon in Luanchuan and launched a three-day team building activity. Surrounded by green mountains and green water, the sky is blue and clouds are entwined, and flowers and butterflies dance gracefully. This tranquil beauty gently soothes the hustle and bustle of the city.The theme of this team building is "Passionate Youth and Excellent Team", aimed at strengthening team collaboration, promoting the spirit of hard work and never giving up, and forging an excellent team with goals, passion, vitality, and innovation.Team PKThe team building activity officially began, first dividing two teams according to the rules, designing team flags, determining slogans and team songs. After some discussion, two teams, "National Treasure" and "Digging", were born and engaged in intense and interesting competitions such as team building towers, Hanover towers, and frisbee challenges. The "National Treasure Team" showcased their steady temperament in team building and Hanover Tower projects, consistently winning the competition. The novelty and creativity of the "Digging Team" perfectly matched the trendy Frisbee Challenge, and they responded with unwavering victory.National Treasure TeamBased in ChinaRadiate globally"Digging and Digging" TeamNo matter whereDig to the bottomNight chatting and chatting freelyThe sincere collaboration and intense competition of this day also came to an end with the sunset of the sun, and the atmosphere at night is always the most relaxed and comfortable. On the playground, everyone sat on the ground and sang loudly, warming their childhood memories in the game of throwing handkerchiefs; Beside the wooden table, under the command of God, prophets and wolves perform their own performances; By the fire, share your experiences and ideals in the sizzling and oily barbecue time.Canyon StrollingGo to the next stop - Tianhe Grand Canyon. Cicadas make noise in the forest, and birds sing in the mountains. Strolling along the winding stream towards the depths of the canyon, sometimes a quiet plain, sometimes a running stream, and sometimes a roaring waterfall. As the flowing water approaches its end, a beautiful mountain rushes into our sight. Although the mountain climbing journey is arduous, the scenery along the way is the best gift that nature has given us.A passionate and outstanding team of youthThe three-day team building activity is coming to an end soon. Through this team building, we further feel the culture of "one person walks fast, a group of people walks far", and our daily interactions have increased our sense of teamwork and overall situation. Wise people enjoy water, benevolent people enjoy mountains and rivers. Mountains and waters bring us inner peace. Let's set off again, dressed lightly in youthful vigor, and work hard, steadfastly practicing and never slacking off, together moving towards the future!


Dynamic | I have invited Teacher Wang Huaixin to hold a practical skills symposium on labor disputes

-Henan Xianwei Law Firm-Invite Teacher Wang Huaixin to join the institute for the eventSymposium, sharing and exchange meetingPractical Skills in Labor Dispute ManagementSymposiumMeetingsOn the afternoon of March 31, 2023, Henan Xianwei Law Firm invited Mr. Wang Huaixin, a fourth level researcher and head of the Pension Insurance Department of the Luoyang Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, to have a discussion with our lawyers on practical skills in labor disputes. My partner Li Yan, along with some practicing and interning lawyers, attended this symposium.Sharing and Exchange SymposiumAt the symposium, Teacher Wang Huaixin provided professional and patient explanations on the difficult issues encountered by lawyers in labor arbitration and labor dispute cases, such as the identification of labor relationship subjects, the signing and termination of labor contracts, social insurance benefits, new employment relationships, and other practical issues. She provided one-to-one answers to the problems encountered by lawyers in actual cases. At the same time, Teacher Wang Huaixin also explained relevant legal provisions and government policy documents on labor dispute issues to the lawyers present during the symposium, and everyone had a heated discussion on this.Through this symposium, listening to Professor Wang Huaixin's easy to understand, meticulous and active explanation with rich connotations, our lawyers, especially young lawyers, have benefited greatly. They have gained a deeper understanding and understanding of labor disputes and the relationship between employees and employers. They are more familiar with legal provisions and relevant policy documents of provinces and cities, which will help lawyers grasp the key points in handling practical cases in the future and better serve clients. Exchange Symposium Teacher Wang HuaixinTeacher Wang Huaixin, graduated from China University of Political Science and Law, has been engaged in theoretical research and practical work in labor dispute arbitration for a long time. She has rich experience in labor dispute resolution and labor relationship management, and has a clear understanding of the risk areas, response strategies, and management processes in enterprise employment management. She is very familiar with the needs of enterprises in labor relationship management, and can provide effective and beneficial legal and management suggestions for enterprise management.


Dynamic | March Village (Residential) Legal Advisor Theme Activity

Village (residential) legal servicesAssist in rural revitalizationHenan Xianwei Law FirmAccording to the deployment and requirements of the Municipal Bureau of Justice and the Municipal Lawyers Association regarding the work of village (residential) legal advisors, and in accordance with the theme activities of the Song County Bureau of Justice in March, in order to further guide women to protect their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law and procedures, timely answer legal issues encountered by village (residential) residents in their daily production and life, and provide professional legal opinions. In mid to late March, more than 10 lawyers from Henan Xianwei Law Firm's village (residential) legal service team went to Yanzhuang Town, Tianhu Town, and Luhun Town in Song County to carry out village (residential) legal service work.Yanzhuang Town Village (Residential) Legal ServicesOn March 16th, the legal service team of Xianwei Law Firm in Yanzhuang Town, Henan Province, went to the Yanzhuang Town Judicial Office to preach and interpret the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests. Through practical and down-to-earth methods, they guided women to protect their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law and procedures. At the same time, the team conducted specific analysis on various legal issues raised by villagers and provided professional legal opinions and suggestions, which received unanimous praise from the public.Tianhu Town Village (Residential) Legal ServicesOn March 22nd, Henan Xianwei Law Firm's legal advisory service team from Tianhu Town Village (Residence) went to the Tianhu Town Judicial Office and their respective villages (residences) to carry out legal education and dispute resolution work. We mainly had face-to-face exchanges and answers on legal issues such as wage arrears by migrant workers and allocation of homesteads that villagers are more concerned about, and conducted in-depth discussions on resolving conflicts and disputes among villagers. Effectively implementing the concept of rural revitalization and promoting the rule of law.Legal Services for Luhun Town Village (Residence)On March 23rd, the legal service team of Henan Xianwei Law Firm in Luhun Town went to the Luhun Town Judicial Office and their respective villages to carry out rule of law publicity activities in rural areas (communities), patiently answering the legal problems encountered by the public on a daily basis. The legal team held a themed symposium based on feedback from everyone on issues such as demolition and online fraud, providing in-depth explanations to local villagers and further promoting the effective development of village legal advisory work.


Dynamic | I was invited to visit, learn and exchange with Xiamen Law Firm

Visiting, exchanging, learning, and referencingHenan Xianwei Law FirmAt the beginning of the 2023 Lunar New Year, at the invitation of Fujian Zeliang Law Firm, Director Li Yan of our firm led Lawyer Wu Jie and Lawyer Ma Zhixiang (intern) to visit and exchange knowledge with Zeliang Law Firm in Xiamen, Fujian Province.Part 1Zeliang Law Firm SymposiumVisit Fujian Zeliang Law FirmOn February 2, 2023, Director Li Yan and his team of three arrived at Fujian Zeliang Law Firm. Lawyers such as Huang Sijun, Director of Zeliang Institute, Li Liang, Co Director, and Yu Yang, Executive Director, warmly welcomed our visitors and had discussions and exchanges. Director Huang Sijun gave a detailed introduction to Zeliang Law Firm from three aspects: Zeliang, business introduction, and corporate culture. He proposed the development concept of "professional+service" dual core, introduced the development advantages of integrated team professional division of labor in case handling, and deeply discussed the management characteristics and innovative methods in the "integrated" operation of the law firm. Director Li Yan introduced the basic situation of Xian Wei Law Firm from aspects such as values, composition of the legal team, and business areas.Part 2Longan (Xiamen) Law Firm Discussion and ExchangeOn February 3rd, Director Li Yan and his team of three were invited by Lawyer Li Shuyuan, Senior Partner of Beijing Longan (Xiamen) Law Firm, to visit and exchange ideas with Beijing Longan (Xiamen) Law Firm.Visit Beijing Longan (Xiamen) Law FirmLawyer Li Shuyuan led Director Li Yan and his team to visit the office environment of Beijing Long'an (Xiamen) Law Firm, introducing the firm's development philosophy and case handling team. During the discussion after the visit, Lawyer Li Shuyuan interacted and exchanged ideas with the lawyers present, elaborating on his professional philosophy and values, and encouraging them to work together with the lawyers present.Visiting, learning, and exchanging ideasDirector Li stated that this learning exchange has further broadened the horizons and inspired thinking of young lawyers. They should carefully summarize what they have learned, share what they have seen and gained with law firm lawyers, and actively plan new ideas and promote new development based on their practical experience. At the same time, it is emphasized to learn from and draw on the valuable experience and effective practices of Xiamen Law Firm, benchmark against the advanced and identify gaps, compare with typical cases to identify shortcomings, and transform the learning achievements into practical measures to promote the high-quality development of work for the law firm, promoting the high-quality development of work for the law firm.Part 3Introduction to Law FirmFujian Zeliang Law FirmFujian Zeliang Law Firm is an integrated management professional legal service institution that adopts a full staff salary system. A service team composed of multiple cross disciplinary experts (lawyers, accountants, tax consultants, human resources, forensic science, psychology, enterprise management consulting) can quickly match the different needs and service characteristics of customers through close collaboration with various professional service institutions.Beijing Long'an (Xiamen) Law FirmBeijing Longan Law Firm was established in 1992 and is one of the earliest partnership law firms in China. It is also one of the large-scale comprehensive law firms in China, with 32 branches and 2422 practicing lawyers. Longan (Xiamen) is located in the Xiamen Maritime Silk Road Central Legal Zone Pilot Free Trade Zone, with its office located on the 4th floor of Building 5A, Xiamen Maritime World, in the core area of the Dongdu Port Area of the Xiamen Island Free Trade Zone. The decoration style is fashionable and elegant, and the initial office area has reached 1612 square meters.

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